Supported Organisations & Projects in 2023
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation was formed two decades ago in response to the first mass coral bleaching event, which killed one in 12 of the world’s corals.
Tasked to connect leading marine scientists with the resources and conditions to respond to the challenges facing the world’s greatest reef. We know that no single person or solution can provide all the answers. That’s why collaboration is at the heart of everything we do.
We work in close partnership with communities, scientists, businesses and governments in Australia and the Pacific to achieve breakthroughs in marine science, bring species and habitats back from the brink, pioneer new tools and catalyse new solutions.
Right now, at the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, we are working with over 500 different partners along the length of the Great Barrier Reef and in Ningaloo, Belize, New Caledonia and Palau.
Funds raised from The Sapphire Project 2023 will help GBRF support:
Restoration: The Plant a Coral Campaign
Research: Satellite tracking of whale sharks in the far north of the Great Barrier Reef
Education: Traditional Owner led seagrass nurseries
The Sydney Institute of Marine Science Foundation (SIMS) works closely with SIMS and its scientists to help progress our understanding, protection and sustainable use of the marine environment. The Sydney Institute of Marine Science enables world-leading marine science and research to make a significant contribution to ensuring our coastal and marine environments are healthy, resilient and effectively managed.
The SIMS Foundation Trustees are passionate about the ocean and marine and coastal environments and are active in supporting growth in ocean literacy across the community. We believe that a healthy understanding of the ocean and its processes will have a positive impact on the future health of our ocean, and in turn, the health of the planet and its people.
Our work supports the development of scientific knowledge, tools, and novel multidisciplinary solutions to help practically address the impacts of urbanisation and climate change and secure the future health of our coasts and oceans, their multiple benefits and the well-being of the people that work in and depend on them.
The declaration of the 2021–2030 United Nations Decade of Ocean Science and 2021–2030 United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration provides an important platform for the SIMS Foundation to leverage greater understanding and support towards ocean and marine science and research from donors and our networks in business, government, innovation, and investment groups.
Funds raised from The Sapphire Project 2023 will help SIMS support:
Turtle tracking and monitoring project
Recording important and ancient First Nation Sea Country stories
Changing the relationship between Kelp Forest and Sea Urchins
Extending our Living Seawalls program to ensure all new marine construction is co-designed for humans and for nature
Addressing water quality justice through monitoring of pollution entering Gamay (Botany Bay) and the impact on marine food webs.
All ocean organisations are registered charities and are endorsed as Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR1) by the Australian Taxation Office